Life Time Allowance: The Government has introduced comprehensive reforms to the pension rules over the previous few years. One important change, which may have been overlooked by some savers, is... read more →
As a population we are living longer, and with an ageing population the need for care is growing, with the time spent in care also increasing. However, a fifth of... read more →
This blog is a significant variance from my normal monthly communications, which are usually spurred on by conversations with business owners in prior weeks. This email concerns money sat in... read more →
Have you ever considered moving and consolidating your pension to another scheme or provider? There are a whole host of reasons why people might want to do this before they... read more →
For long-term investors, Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) are a very tax-efficient wrapper that can hold cash savings as well as investments in stocks and shares. Savvy investors are also able... read more →
How would you pay the bills if you were sick or accidentally injured and couldn’t work? According to research by Unum and Personnel Today, just 12% of employers support their... read more →