Professional financial advice can prove invaluable. Few of us really have the time or inclination to understand the vast number of different investment products available on the market and consider what the... read more →
A daunting part of a separation or divorce for most couples is sorting out the finances. Financial disputes can be a major stumbling block in the divorce process and could take... read more →
The obvious example is where many of the large organisations outsource their customer services to India. I've not met anyone, who as an end user, believes this is a good... read more →
The start of the new tax year on 6 April 2017 saw the launch of the Lifetime ISA (LISA), which was announced in the 2016 Budget. This is a new type... read more →
A small number of pensioners are relying on loved ones to help them financially during retirement, and those approaching retirement seem to be in an even worse situation. Yet equally... read more →
Here at Blue Sky, I'm always reinforcing how we need to be aware of the impact we have on others and how we make people feel. We need to ensure... read more →