Don’t worry I haven’t had a spiritual awakening, but my recent trip to India reinforced the need to have some down time, relaxation, experience other cultures and reflect on what’s important.
Whilst not being of any religious persuasion, I can appreciate how, particularly Hinduism and Buddhism, bring about an inner calm.
A change is as good as a rest goes the saying.
I certainly think my team at Blue Sky were a tad worried that our extensive itinerary across northern and mid India, would see me worn out and ready for a rest on my return. However, as the scene towards the Lake Palace in Udaipur suggests, we did chill for a couple of days before departing for the UK.
Alas, this isn’t really about my holidays. Being away has stimulated me to re-introduce my blogs, something which was common place on a bi-monthly basis before Covid arrived on the scene. I will now write monthly.
The hope is that by giving thought and perspectives about life, money and fulfilment we can help our clients and others to further manage positive change. The key is to take time out and try and imagine what a fulfilling life looks like – but we appreciate that change is not easy and to some, it’s terrifying, especially when that change is around retirement!
Setting goals is one thing but it’s the small incremental steps along the way which gives you a greater chance of achieving your goals. It’s important to be intentional but it’s also important not to be too prescriptive as sometimes, you may be knocked off course before getting back on track. Life happens!
My experiences around India also reinforced to me even more, that we should only be concerned with those things that we can influence and control. We should not be exerting negative energy towards those matters which other people think we should worry about (news agencies for one).
So, if you aren’t doing it already, take time out and reflect on what’s important to you. You don’t have to meditate, simply be intentional. Our best decisions are generally made when we have clarity of thought.
Thank you
Gary Neild B.Sc.Hons. DipIP PFA
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

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