Our mantra here at Blue Sky is ‘enjoy your money whilst you have good health… with confidence’! Let’s face it, if you haven’t got good health, it’s a struggle to live life to the full. Agreed?
Sometimes, it’s a roll of a dice and you can’t do anything about a sudden diagnosis, but generally we can improve our chances of living a healthy life. As I have said to many people, “the best investment you can make is in yourself”. This then allows you to have a positive impact on those around you.
Don’t worry, I’m not going to lecture you on your lifestyle, or what you should eat and drink etc. I’m no shining example after all, but what I believe I do well though is having regular health checks. This costs me money but in the scheme of things, I think it is a worthwhile investment.
About 3 years ago someone in the medical profession said to me, “at times, I think we value our cars more than we do our bodies”. Referring to the fact that our vehicles need to be serviced regularly and if more than 3 years old, they must have an annual MOT.
Yet when it comes to our health, we don’t think this way, possibly because we are not forced to have a regular check-up but also because we are of the mindset that if something goes wrong, the NHS will be there to fix the problem. Of course, what we should be focusing on is prevention rather than cure.
Let’s have a heart to heart
Today, I’ve just been for my heart assessment; an ECG, blood tests and an echo cardiogram. I did this 5 years ago and thought it prudent to assess this again. If your heart stops working, then basically, that’s the end of the game. You are not much good to anyone!
I’m sure you are the same as me and know, or have heard of so many stories, of people having heart attacks and strokes. We all hope it won’t happen to us but most of us tend to do little about it and just pray we are the lucky ones. We often legislate for it by saying something like “they were a smoker and a drinker”. In fact, this was mentioned to me at the weekend about someone who sadly died.
Of course, you don’t have to live an onerous lifestyle for heart problems to occur. Genetics play a part; you could have defects from an early age and general wear and tear can manifest to cause complications.
One of our clients who is really fit and healthy is in his late fifties and is a black belt in a martial art. He and his wife were telling me how strange he began to feel a while back, but largely thought it was a problem that would go away as he was so fit. Sadly, it didn’t. His fitness was the reason he recovered from a series of heart attacks, but it does go to show it can happen to anyone. Nobody was more shocked than him!
Have a heart check-up? I’d rather get a new bike or a new set of golf clubs!
It’s great that we are back enjoying the outdoors, cycling has boomed during the pandemic. I hear many stories of how people are paying huge sums for their bikes, if you can get one that is! Easier to justify if you are not spending money on holidays too. Similarly, golf participation is booming. Many golf clubs are reporting record waiting lists.
I mentioned to one of my golf colleagues at the weekend that I was going to have a heart assessment and I got a peculiar look as much to say, “why are you going for an assessment if there is nothing wrong with you”. Forty-five minutes later we were talking about getting a fitting for a new club and then someone said that a driver could set you back £350. It struck a chord with me. So, it’s okay to spend money on a golf club but it’s not okay to spend money on checking out that your heart is fit for purpose? Why pay for it when the NHS will do it for free?
Actually, I do need a new club (a 3-wood for those interested) but my priority was a heart check-up. A 3-wood is no good to me if I can’t use it!
It doesn’t have to be scary
There is always a slight sense of apprehension when going for such tests, but I have to say a Cardiologist friend, Chris Critoph, made it easy for me by suggesting I visit the Clinic@78 in Poole Road, Westbourne. Just up the road from Blue Sky.
Well, an hour well spent it was. I was made to feel most welcome. Hilary undertook an ECG and blood tests in a relaxed effortless style. I then went to see Mel who conducted an echo cardiogram. Her passion for making a difference was obvious and I had a fascinating insight into the workings of the heart which was great.
Everything appears encouraging at this stage, although I must await the results of the tests and the assessment with Chris. However, I walked out of there feeling good. Pleased that everything seemed to be okay but also chuffed that I had taken control and not left matters to chance. Stimulated by the experience, I have decided to support any of the Blue Sky team who wish to be checked out.
If anyone reading this blog wishes to undertake an assessment, may I suggest that you contact me here at Blue Sky and I’ll place you in touch with the appropriate personnel, hopefully with a little bit of a discount for our clients, courtesy of Blue Sky.
Health and wealth really do go hand in hand. Whatever you do, don’t leave either to chance.
Best wishes
Gary Neild B.Sc.Hons. DipIP PFA
Chief Executive Officer
P.S. By the time you read this I’ll be visiting family on the Fylde coast around sunny Blackpool. I must remind myself about my health when presented with a tray of chips and gravy!

Risk warning
Please Note: This communication should not be read as giving specific advice regarding your personal circumstances. This would only be given following detailed assessment of your individual needs. The value of investments may fall as well as rise; you may get back less than invested. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future returns.