Welcome to Blue Sky Financial Planning

Change can be daunting but, managed properly, it can be the start of something truly amazing…

..something we can very much appreciate – see the section below on EOT ownership.

Investment Market Updates

Click here for a peek into our weekly Market Commentaries from our Investment Committee.


News, Blogs & Community

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Blue Sky is a leading independent, chartered, financial planning company based in Poole, Dorset. We help individuals, families and businesses.

After working with us you will feel more empowered and more in control.

You will have greater confidence in your future, knowing that you have an informed strategy which is reviewed frequently.

You will feel less anxious and will be able to explore possibilities, looking forward with excitement and be able to  enjoy your money whilst you have good health.

Blue Sky becomes an EOT

As of December 2022, Blue Sky is no longer privately owned. Everyone in the team is delighted as they have all become indirect owners of the company through an Employee Ownership Trust. This sustainable ownership structure provides continuity for all concerned, especially our clients.

The Essence Of Blue Sky

We understand it can be difficult knowing who to trust. We therefore work extremely hard in creating that trust by spending time with you and working in a collaborative way, at a speed which suits you.


What our clients say...

The relationships we build with our clients are based on trust and confidence. Don’t just take our word for it, click below to read their stories and testimonials.


Our Sustainable Views

Here at Blue Sky, we have always had a strong conscience when it comes to environmental matters. We are pleased to state that all our clients have an exposure to investments which are deemed to be sustainable, and over two thirds of all our investment holdings embrace Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles.

Our behaviours run much deeper than just our investment strategies. Being a responsible business, we frequently evaluate our supply chains and where possible, use local companies who themselves invest in more resilient, sustainable practices.

The culture within our business defines us. Fundamentally we are about making a positive difference to others and the world around us.

Take more control and gain fulfilment

Have you got an eclectic mix of pensions and investments with no real co-ordinated strategy?

The current downturn has highlighted to many people and businesses, the folly of not having an informed strategy.
Contact us if you want a positive future.

Explore the Blue Sky Experience

Behind everything we do is the saying “it’s what you cause and how you make people feel that’s important”.

Our service is centred around your needs and requirements, not ours! We take time to understand what makes you tick and then work with you in a collaborative way.

Clients tell us that having Blue Sky and the team on hand at any time, gives them confidence because they “can always rely on Blue Sky to make sense of it all”.

Come and see us at our smart but relaxed offices to understand how you can be empowered for the rest of your life.

In our clients’ words

Our Company News, Events & Blogs

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